genius loves company

This is what I have in my CD player right now.
My wife surprised me and brought this home from the store the other day.
I haven't always been a Ray Charles fan, I guess the older I get the more I appreciate the genius of his music. He was a barrier breaker. Pop music, Soul, Blues, Country....you name it, he's sung it. If you would like to experience something gut-wrenchingly beautiful go to his official website, http://www.raycharles.com, and click on the America the Beautiful link. Ray singing in his raspy baritone one of the most emotional renditions of America the Beautiful with images of 9/11 playing in the background. It's beautiful!
The album pictured above was his final project. It is a compilation of duets with some amazing artists. My favorites have to be the songs with the ladies. Ray and Norah sing "Here We Go Again" on track 1 and you immediately find yourself bawling. Track 3 brings Diana Krall's sultry sound and Ray's soulful cry together in a wry and simple rendition of "You Don't Know Me." I am not much of a Natalie Cole fan but she and Ray do a playful version of "Fever" that makes you tap your toes. "Do I Ever Cross Your Mind?" with Bonnie Raitt is understated and especially bluesy. How could it not be with these two greats of blues music?
Anyway.....such a great album. It makes me want to mellow out with a beer and a cigar and just listen.
Just listen.