Unfortunately the title for this entry is not about pregnancy.
I wish. We wish....that is Kristin and I. Maybe soon. Who knows?
The title for this entry is in regards to the Family Reunion/Birthday Party Kristin and I were just in Tennessee for. Last weekend we were in Tellico Plains, TN for our annual family reunion and celebration of my Grandparents 90th birthdays.

My Grandma and Grandpa. 90 years young!
I love my family. Even the crazy ones.
I have no doubt that all of you share with me the frustrations that families and all of their dysfunctions can cause. But nevertheless they are family. They are my family.
The cousin that knows that certain "beverages" will not be provided, but brings his own to compensate. BYOB I guess!
The Aunt whose kids weren't able to come, and she lets everyone know this over and over and over and over again!!
The 3rd (maybe 4th, I can't do familial math) cousin who brings her pet chihuahua Paris....no kidding.....and lets the darn thing run free in the meeting hall and at the outdoor Church picnic later on Sunday. She was a treat.....the dog and the cousin!
I could go on and on, but I won't. Because it doesn't matter. They are my family and I love them all. Because that is what unconditional love is. It's hard....but it's necessary. Once we set conditions on our love we set up a limbo stick for people to contort and twist under. And what for? For our own amusement?
Sometimes I think about my crazy family and thank God that were all loco in the head. Because otherwise it would just be boring. Lord knows I would rather be crazy than boring!
I thought the shirt was funny to wear to a family reunion.....me, Grandpa, and my cousin Jarrod.
Glad to hear that you had a great time at your family reunion/birthday party. Hey, does your family buy you Andy Williams Greatest Hits cds too? ;)
nice to see you back, stranger. I always wondered just how crazy things would get if my mother's family started up the reunion tradition again after 30 years.
For now, I will have to live with being an 'honorary' Spivey, thanks to Aunt Nita and her hundreds of in-laws.
The Percers will be in Waco from July 14 until July 23. We have two weddings to attend and lots of folks to catch up with. Let us know a time, and we'll fit it into our calendar! See you soon!
We are in Waco. Call me at 235-3214 in order to get with the Percers.
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