
Livin' Large

I don't know why I do this.

I get all pumped up about the Blog and then proceed to go more than a month without writing.

Well.....this is it!!
I am making my first resolution of the new year (everyone knows the losing-weight-exercise-more resolution won't make it to February).
I am going to make a point to write at least twice a week.
I'm not going to do it on the same days every week (too much pressure), but I will promise to do it.

Finally saw Garden State.
I loved it.....Kristin did not.
I think she was expecting more of a laugh-out-loud riot fest.
It's just not that kind of movie.

Sometimes I feel like Large. (the character in GS not the size)
I feel like I am too even keel.
There are no exhilarating highs or depressing lows.
It's just me in the middle.
Ironically enough I just looked at the title of my Blog.....pretty telling isn't it?
I'm not medicated, in fact I've always thought that my level-headedness was a good attribute.
It's not that I want to always be flying off the handle or something....that's not it at all.

Part of it is training.
I have taught myself to not get too pumped up for things, because you'll just be disappointed in the end.
I might share more about that soon.
Lot's to tell....and plenty time to share it.
Talk to you soon......maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thinking of and praying for you and Kristin. We miss our Waco friends. You, my friend, are in the crucible. Hang in there, joy really does come in the morning and dreams can come true.
