
Writing Again

I was going through some old papers the other day and came across a Moleskine journal my sister gave to me once, I think as a Birthday gift. They are the coolest little notebooks.....great for the writer on the go.
Anyway, I always cringe when I read some of my old stuff......most of the time I allow it to fall by the way side (procrastination) and when I attempt to pick it up again it has become dated and cheesy and, sometimes, just plain stooopid.

Not this time.
It actually seems appropriate.
Before I begin, let me just say that I don't remember exactly when I wrote this. After a visit to San Diego, obviously.
I actually seem to remember that I was prodded by a friend who had recently had his first book published to begin writing myself. Kyle was instrumental in many parts of my life without even knowing it.

Anyway.......here goes:

The Traveler
The Traveler's Guide
The Traveler's Guide to Navigating Life
(you choose, whichever one that sounds less pretentious)
As I write this I am on an airplane careening in a wide curve over the Pacific just west of San Diego. The flight pattern of the airplane is a microcosm of my life. Let me explain. The location of the airport in San Diego, because of its surrounding geography, requires an airplane to take off over the ocean. So even though my final destination is Austin, Texas, I must first go west before turning east. This pattern of going and coming back is a common refrain in this symphony of life.
There is something within the human soul that propels us away from safety.
It stirs our hearts in such a way that we start looking for something better than we have.
This wandering, whether it be from a specific location, job, or significant other, has long been considered a hallmark of restlessness and immaturity. Most people would say that the "wanderer" (read: slacker or bohemian in the 60's) has lost touch with his or her priorities and that they should "settle down."
I disagree.
We have been created to "go."
Matthew 28:19 says, "Therefore, GO (emphasis mine) and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." (NLT) With this in mind we see the difference between the Bohemian/Slacker mentality and a missional mindset. Do not misunderstand my meaning here. This is not a formula to place yourself in to find your purpose. There are other books for that. This is a way of life.
This is the realization that God is in the going and the coming back. Remember.....God was with the Israelites as they were wandering in the desert. There wasn't a place where God was not with them. The same holds true for us. Regardless of our location, vocation, relationship with our families, co-workers or friends....God remains the same.
So this is a rough guide to navigating life. A scribbling in the sand. It is not a map, nor is it meant to be anything more than the ramblings of a wanderer. This is merely hope to help you on your way.....with many happy returns.


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soundofmethinkingtooloud said...

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