
Love. Embrace. Live.

To love God is to love people.
Spend some extra time with your family and friends this holiday season.
If you play games, or sing carols, do so in exuberance.
If you cook for your family add a little extra butter or pork fat.
Hug a little longer.........linger, don't be restless.
Enjoy it while you can.

To embrace beauty is to see everything the way that God sees it.
Beauty is truly the measure of a soul.
To see beauty is to be beauty.
A beautiful person is one who loves well.
A beautiful person is one who is well loved.
Beauty can never be reduced to a thing or an it.
True Beauty is derived from The One who was beauty incarnate.

To live life to the full is to never go half-way.
Even anger, rage, and sorrow are necessary once in a while.
For it is in those times that we truly experience the grace and goodness of God.
Living a full life is life without excuses and regrets.
There's always a better option.....so prayerfully consider your steps.
But, if you find yourself down the wrong path, don't let pride get in your way.........
Run, no sprint, back to the place where you belong.

"So this is my prayer:
that your love will flourish and that
you will not only love much but well.
Learn to love appropriately.
You need to use your head and test your feelings
so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush.
Live a lover's life, circumspect and expemplary,
a life Jesus will be proud of:
bountiful in fruits from the soul,
making Jeus Christ attractive to all,
getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God."
Philippians 1 (The Message)

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