
Happy Hallmark Day!!

I don't mean to be cynical.
Really I don't.
I guess I should be lucky to have such a wonderful wife to be able to celebrate this economically-driven holiday with.
I just feel bad for everyone out there that doesn't have that special someone to celebrate with.
I find that now that I am married....that it pretty much comes up in every conversation that I have.
It's always...."My Wife did such-and-such" or "Kristin said the funniest thing...." or just using a lot of us's and we's in conversation seems to be unfair to anyone that doesn't have a we or an us.
I just want everyone to be happy.
And to like me......have I mentioned that?

Anyway......this past Saturday I got my wife her gift for Valentine's Day.
It was too big to try and hide it from her to make it a surprise for today....so I gave it to her then.
I might get some flack for it....so before I tell you what I got her you must know something about my wife.

She is mildly OCD and loves to clean. Well....I don't know if she loves it, but she does love clean things and cleanliness in general is a good thing. It's actually quite amazing that she loves me considering I am pretty much a messy slob. So I don't know if you can see where this is going......but all I can tell you is that she has wanted this particular "cleaning" product for a while now.

Have you heard/seen/used a Dyson Vacuum?
With some sort of "cyclone" technology, that I don't understand, it pretty much is the best vacuum cleaner in the world. I will not mention how much this particular purchase was....let's just say it was not inexpensive.

But that's not the point.
I guess I will wax philosophical for a moment about gift-giving.
I got her this gift because it was something she wanted...AND it would make life a little easier for her. I always tend to give gifts that I can enjoy (to a certain degree) as well.
While I love a clean home....I don't enjoy cleaning.
Kristin does.
A gift is rarely about the giver.
It should always be about the recipient.
That seems obvious, but the next time you give someone a gift be thoughtful.
Don't do the routine gift....the easy purchase....the gift card or the personal check.
Be Thoughtful.

So on this Valentines Day think about the people you love.
Everyone....family and friends included.
Then compile a list of gifts.
Small or large, it doesn't matter....just be thoughtful.
So when Christmas, a birthday, or just a random act of kindness comes upon you....dive in to your list and surprise that someone you love with something that they will love.

Blessings and many romantic nights.......

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